Live a Life Worth Writing About
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When is the last time you made the choice to get out of your comfort zone and try something new? When is the last time you’ve made the choice to venture out into the unknown and experience life beyond what you already know? When’s the last time you’ve given yourself the opportunity to grow?
Sometimes we hit a wall whether it’s with our writing, our mood, our state of being, our inspiration, our career … whatever it may be, sometimes we don’t know why but that wall only seems to get taller and taller.
How many times though do we stop and ask ourselves, “Am I making the most of my life right now?”
We owe it to ourselves to live a life worth writing about. The best things you can do in life are the things you must gather courage for and then simply do because you’re afraid of them.
For example, take that new job you’ve been offered even though you’re scared you’re not qualified (gosh, I hate that word). Sometimes going through the fire itself is what sharpens us the most and makes us stronger. We may not always be at our best when opportunities present themselves, but most times the most important thing is simply taking the first step forward.
You’d be surprised how many people miss out on great opportunities simply because they never tried. Imagine how many times you could have won something by default simply because you were the only person brave enough to raise your hand and go forward… Now that should put life in perspective a little bit for you.
The best thing to write about is what we know, but what happens when we’ve already written all we know?
Fall in love again and don’t blame a future person for the mistakes of another. Save some money up and finally take that vacation you’ve been planning for since forever ago. Go for a run. Get some exercise. Try a new hobby. Meet new people. Get out of your room and live — and more importantly, get out of your current state of mind.
Sometimes the biggest barrier we encounter is the barrier we unknowingly place in front of ourselves.
The things we say to ourselves….
I’m not pretty enough.
I’m not strong enough.
I’m not smart enough.
I’m not tall enough.
I’m too young.
I’m too old.
I’m not good at writing.
Why me?
These are all lies we’re guilty of telling ourselves from time to time, but it’s our job to overcome these excuses by, again, simply taking that first step forward.
It’s kind of like bungee-jumping. In my experience, the scariest part of bungee-jumping is that last moment when you’re standing on the ledge right before you jump. And it’s in that moment, that split second, that you will either choose to back out or choose to take a leap of faith. However, I can promise that once I took the leap of faith, not a second later after I jumped, all fear had evaporated from my body. I simply fell, and bounced, and came back up with an enormous smile on my face.
I like to think it’s like that with most things in life. The scariest part is the first step, but everything after that is an experience worth sharing, an experience worth writing about. It’s the challenges we overcome that bring spice and satisfaction to our lives.
Continuously reaching past our fear and collecting these types of stories in our lifetime … well, if that isn’t a life worth writing about, then I don’t know what is.
Reading and learning are critical for living a life worth writing about.
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