Writing. Publishing. Philosophy. Culture.
Join me as I reflect on all the things that can inspire us to live a life worth writing about.
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What does it mean to be a philosopher by night?
Becoming a philosopher by night is a pursuit everyone should be able to undertake, even in our busy lives. Understand how, amidst jobs, families, and responsibilities, we can still find those precious late-night moments to ponder life's profound questions, allowing the philosopher within us to thrive. Read more to learn the core of being a philosopher and discover some resources to help you on that journey.
Literary Titan’s Review of “Bittersweet” and Author Interview
Bittersweet: Poems on Love, Loss & Wanderlust by Pablo Camacho is an anthology that reflects life’s joys, sorrows, and thrills, especially in intimate relationships. Recently, Literary Titan gave the poetry collection a 5-star book review! They also interviewed its author, Pablo Camacho. Keep on reading to learn about the book, its author, and the reasons why the bittersweet moments of life help us appreciate the beautiful moments when they come.
Is Horror Good For Us?
Despite being scared by horror films or novels, people love being a part of stories that send chills down their spines. Surprisingly, there are many benefits to experiencing the horror genre. Scary films or books can serve as tests of courage that allow viewers or readers to reinforce their notions of good and evil, experience taboo subjects in a safe manner, or reflect on the landscape of their dreams and nightmares. Still, that does not scratch the surface of all the reasons why we love horror. Keep on reading to find out more.
Why We Must Read or Write Poetry
Poetry reminds us that we are not alone and that others have met what we have faced before. It is therapy. It is art. It is a way of life. It is a gift. It is life itself. It gives purpose. Read more about the seven reasons why we must read or write poetry here.